Gary Brainerd, PhD
Certified Imago Relationship Therapist
Gary Brainerd is a clinical psychologist and Marriage and Family Therapist with offices in Pasadena and Encino. He is a Certified Workshop Presenter and an Advanced Imago Clinician.
Dr. Brainerd presents the Imago couples workshop as well as a one-day Introduction to Imago workshops for couples. See his website for more information.
Couples Workstation: A unique contribution to Imago is the Couples Workstation, a membership area of his website where couples can fill out Imago-related forms with online guidance and then receive invited and gentle email reminders about the Behavior Change Requests and Caring Behaviors that are so important to their unique relationship.
Brainerd Psychological Association
595 E. Colorado Blvd.
Suite 405
(626) 577-2628